Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

What is IASTM?

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is a specialized myofascial intervention utilized for the treatment of soft tissue.

IASTM can be described as a skilled technique involving the use of specialized tools to manipulate the skin, myofascia, muscles, and tendons through various direct compressive stroke techniques. These instruments are typically crafted from stainless steel, featuring beveled edges and contours that can adapt to various anatomical locations on the body, enabling deeper penetration for effective treatment of soft tissue disorders.

How does it work?

Instruments are highly effective in breaking down fascial restrictions and scar tissue. The ergonomic design of these instruments enables clinicians to easily locate restrictions and apply the necessary pressure to treat the affected area.

By introducing controlled microtrauma to the affected soft tissue structure, these instruments stimulate a local inflammatory response. This microtrauma triggers the reabsorption of inappropriate fibrosis and excessive scar tissue, leading to a series of healing activities that ultimately result in the remodeling of affected soft tissue structures. Adhesions within the soft tissue, which may have developed due to surgery, immobilization, repeated strain, or other factors, are effectively broken down, allowing for full functional restoration to occur.

Overall, the use of manual therapy instruments offers a comprehensive approach to addressing fascial restrictions and scar tissue, ultimately promoting healing and restoring optimal function to the affected area.

Who is a good candidate for this IASTM?

Patients suffering from Planter fasciitis, ligament sprains, scars, IT band syndrome, shin splints, Achilles tendinitis, rotator cuff tendinitis, neck pain, low back pain, muscle strain and more.

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