Strength and Balance Training

Strength and Balance problems make it hard for people to maintain stable posture and stay upright when standing, walking, and even sitting. Balance problems are more common in older adults and are the most common reason they seek help from a doctor. If strength and balance problems go untreated, they can lead to falls. Balance problems can make people fear doing simple daily activities. As a result, they may avoid movements they deem hard or that challenge their muscles. This will cause them to sit too much. This lack of movement leads to weakness that makes balance problems worse. A person who has balance problems also may feel frustration about their condition and become depressed due to their consistent, reoccurring side effects.

Physical therapists can help people of all ages improve their balance. They perform balance testing and develop treatment plans that include physical activity to help improve the strength, stability, and movement of people with balance problems.

We can identify, diagnose, and help treat your balance problems by identifying their causes. We will provide comprehensive evaluation to improve quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed personalized exercises you can do at home. We will design a treatment program specific to your needs, challenges, and goals. Let us know how can we help you.

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